3 ways to relax in front of the camera

3 ways to relax in front of the camera (& even enjoy it!)


The more you do something the easier you will find it. Look at yourself in the mirror and experiment with how you like your smile, the angle of your face at the emotion that comes through your eyes. Remember it!

The more you understand how you like to look, the more automatic it will become and you’ll gain confidence and be more relaxed.

2. movE

Something I find really empowering before doing something that makes me nervous if to listen to, what I call, my superwoman song and bust out some power moves! It helps me to raise my vibe and self-belief and signal to myself I’ve got this.

If you’re feeling tense in the shoot, try shaking it off with quick hand movements. Roll your shoulders, untighten your jaw and relax your mouth.

And take some deep breaths if you need to too.

3. follow my lead

Remember you will NEVER be left to direct yourself. I will coach you throughout, down to the finest of details, so you don’t have to think of anything.

I’ll always notice if you don’t feel comfortable and use my experience to help relax you. Whether that’s making you laugh, flicking your hair or putting on your favourite music.

I keep my eyes out for tense hands, anxious expressions, raised shoulders etc. and know just how to correct you, so that even if you don’t feel it 100%, you will look it and I promise eventually feel it too!

ps. Remember with Boudoir you don’t always need to look at the camera anyway!

Helen BoothComment